Deacon Chairman
Karl Ladewig
Karl Ladewig is one of our founding members of Bethel Baptist Church. Karl was born and raised right here in Ingleside, Texas. As Deacon Chairman, Karl is responsible for many different church ministries, operations, logistics, and activities. Deacon Karl is a great example of what it means to be a deacon. Like a pastor, deacons are called to be servants and thus serve. Karl serves his church, ranging from prayer concerns, church operations, important decisions, advising and assisting the pastor, church security, maintenance, and even cutting the grass every week. Karl and his wife Lillie have been married for over 50 years.
"Lillie has always been there for me and much of what we do is a joint effort."
Indeed, Karl and Lillie Ladewig make a great team. Lillie also serves in various roles at the church; one of those roles is providing daycare during Sunday Worship service. Note: (We are in the process of bringing back Children's Church due to our numerical growth.) Karl and Lillie have several children and grandchildren.